My Story

Hi, I Am Jennifer Strother

I am working since 2016 as a Functional Health Specialist. I am married with 5 children. My family is everything to me! In 2016, our wellness journey became a requirement, not an option. Extreme health problems caused me to evaluate food triggers, sensitivities, and start a journey to heal the gut. My family has suffered from many autoimmune conditions, gut disorders, cancer, blood sugar fluctuations, and more. A Gut Focus gives a solid foundation to fight all this and more.


What I Do for functional Health?


When I was a young child, only 6 years old, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. While the path ahead was unclear, the medical field was creating cancer protocols (1983) as fast as my mother was researching her own protocol. She quickly made the decision to transform the nutrition of our home. She set rules, boundaries, became the gatekeeper of health and her family. Rules such as no hot dogs, no margarine, no sugary beverages. Removing fake foods and focusing on real food. More fruits and vegetables and placed a priority on movement and overall health.
Over the next 35 years, I saw her listen to doctor’s advice, yet I also saw her tell them what medicine she would take, which ones she would pass on, and how she would proceed. She taught me to speak up, listen to my gut feeling, and most importantly, be my own patient advocate.
I always admired her example and fight, but I had no idea how these life lessons would serve me in my own battles. Just like most of you, I didn’t seek help until I started suffering and started my own journey.
When my oldest son was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, we found resolution from the struggle with nutritional changes. I recalled my mom removing foods that triggered toxicity in her body and damaged her cells. That seed served me well.
Then, I had my own experience with heavy cycles, cramps, PCOS, infertility, vasovagal syncope (passing out), adrenal fatigue, adenomyosis, a sluggish thyroid and cystic activity on both my thyroid and ovaries. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, yet funny enough that disappeared also. It always sounds like a mouthful, but the body often struggles in many areas at once. The problems become widespread and complex quickly.

My youngest son was critically ill as a child with food induced asthma, asthma that got better with exercise, not worse. (Note: The body detoxes, and the lymphatic system drains during exercise, so symptom improvement is worth noting.)
After bouncing from doctor to doctor for four years, we received several diagnoses: celiac, allergies, immune deficiencies, asthma, and MCAS. Not one diagnosis helped him and not one diagnosis improved his quality of life. Removing gluten did NOTHING for him. And allergy shots made him lethargic. We knew this wasn’t the right path.
Then, the question, “Have you had him tested for autism?” When I asked why, the reply was “His nutritional deficiencies and lack of muscle formation resemble that of autistic children.”
At this moment, my lightbulb became fire. I knew there was more to this medical story for my child and others. Autistic children are not referred for nutritional therapy. Mama bear was done and ready to fight for healing. They just wanted to diagnose him. I wanted to heal him.
I started digging into MCAS and found functional medicine had the research and knowledge to help me perform further tests with a direction for healing my child. We discovered our family has a history of MTHFR genetic mutations. While this is a very common mutation, research has linked this to a decreased ability to detoxify and connected the mutation to over 60 chronic health conditions to include toxicity (the decreased ability to detoxify), blood clots, hypothyroidism, autoimmune, depression, infertility, and even cancer. Ah, ha! What’s your story?

my mission

It is now my mission to help others relieve frustration, pain, and stress as they also heal their gut, allergies, immune systems, but most of all get answers for their family.

I help clients find their own personal roadmap to gaining strength, energy, and motivation through simple lifestyle changes.

By implementing functional health, you can find relief from digestive symptoms, food sensitivities, skin issues, hormone imbalances, and weight management, so you get back to living a healthy, energetic life.

Let your body tells the story. We determine what is working for your body, and more importantly, what isn’t. Instead of randomly trying potential solutions, my program is designed to give you clarity and put an end to the feeling of chronic overwhelm.

Perhaps you are there! Perhaps you need answers! Reach out!

Discover the root cause to your unexplained health symptoms today! It’s your time to ThriveWell!