
How Toxins Can Be Harmful to Our Health

When we look at our  health and wellness, it is important that we take a holistic approach and consider the toxins we put in and around our body, as well as the toxins and chemicals we put on our body.

In order to fully grasp the importance of toxins, you should become informed about the ingredients that are in the food we eat, in the lotions and creams we put on our skin, and also informed about the chemicals in the air we breathe. As a result, it can be challenging to navigate through all of the different ingredients and labels.

Although it may seem overwhelming, it is also empowering to learn how to care for ourselves. 

Start today. 

It is important to take the time to learn more and to be in a position to make informed decisions about what we are consuming and about the products we are using to support our body systems. 

Systemic Detoxification

Systemic Detoxification is a very important step and should not be overlooked.  Just like we clean out our house filter and car filter, we must periodically clean out our body filter. Our body is a remarkable machine and one of the most important machines you will ever own. 

With that said it is one of the most overlooked machines.  There is less regulation around what we put on and in this machine, than other warehouse machines.  

Yes, even our car gets better corn/ethanol than our food industry.  Shocking and Sad!  

The world is extremely toxic, and our body needs periodical cleansing.  

The fast-paced lifestyle we live and chronic stress also plays a huge role by creating free radicals and toxins that affect the whole body negatively. But there are other sources that create a toxic burden on our body: sugar toxicity, free radicals, dysbiosis (bad gut bugs), and alcohol.  Then, intestinal permeability and inflammation of the gut lining (leaky gut) create antigen exposure.  

You may not think of yourself as allergic, but you have common complaints:

– Weight gain

– Stomach aches

– Insomnia

– Headaches

– Fatigue

– Depression or Anxiety

– Brain Fog

Here are some Symptoms of Toxicity or Allergies

• Headaches/migraines

• Bitter, metallic taste

• Brain fog

• Dark circles under eyes

• Constipation

• Digestive discomfort

• Excessive mucus

• Fatigue

• Gas, bloating

• Joint and muscle aches

• Nausea or vomiting

• Poor concentration

• Ringing in the ears

• Skin rashes

• Strong body odors/foul breath

• Weight gain

Toxin Exposure is Everywhere

Eggs don’t stick to the pan, underarms are fresh all day, our furniture is flame resistant, we smell good, and we have thousands of quickly, prepared processed foods. But such convenience has a price: chemicals and toxins with unknown effects are building up in our bodies and can stay there for years.  We must do what we can and avoid the chemicals when we can.

  • With plastic exposure and chemical exposure (endocrine disruptors) our hormones are often out of balance.
  • Pollutants come at us in many forms these days.  There is pollution in the air we breathe, building materials and furnishings off-gas, paint solvents, formaldehyde, cigarette smoke, traffic fumes, and more.
  • There are food chemicals, colors, additives and contaminants, as well as herbicides, glyphosates, pesticides, and fungicides on our food. 
  • Household cleaners have solvents, toxins, and chemicals. 
  • We get toxic exposure through radiation, TV, computers, and cell phones. 
  • Our water is contaminated with chlorine and fluorine to name a few. 
  • Then there is toxic heavy metal build-up. These are toxic minerals Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic, and Aluminum.

Toxins Zap Our Energy

This is why it is so important to undertake a detoxification program and to live a less-toxic lifestyle.

So, today’s discussion leaves us with 4 main areas of focus:

  1. Eat a healthy, cleansing diet.  Dietary support of the body’s detox processes, with an emphasis on whole foods and elimination of known dietary triggers.
  1. Lifestyle practices that support detox.
  1. Elimination of toxins through stimulation of excretory organs with the aid of homeopathic remedies to support drainage of liver, kidneys, and lymphatics.
  1. Nutritional Support of liver detox pathways

Your detoxification framework must include a comprehensive program or education in many areas:  cleansing, emotional detoxification, better beverages, sleep, toxicity, food, healthy fats, antioxidants, and healthy digestion.

Reduce exposure: The goal of this step is to lower the toxic load by choosing organic foods, becoming aware of toxic exposures, and determining your personal toxic load.

Clean Diet: The diet is the most important part of the program. It removes foods that can be dietary triggers. 

Let’s take a look at some very common kitchen products that can sneak up on you and harm your health.

Baking soda, aluminum, and other toxins

Aside from being used in baking as a raising agent, baking soda can also be found in some cleaning products as well as some medicines as a natural antiseptic. 

Despite the fact that baking soda is generally considered safe, it can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. It is known that baking soda can raise the acidity level in your blood, which can be dangerous for people with kidney problems as it can increase the acidity level.

We should also be aware of the fact that aluminum is another toxin. A common source of this substance is baking powder, but it can also be found in some aluminum foil and utensils used in the kitchen. A small amount of aluminum is not necessarily harmful to a person, but consuming too much aluminum can cause health problems such as Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer, as well as other problems.

In addition to mercury and lead, there are a number of other toxins that we should avoid consuming. The presence of these toxins can be found in some fish, as well as in some paints and plumbing materials. 

What are the dangers of consuming these toxins

Baking soda, aluminum, and other toxins can cause health related problems, such as kidney damage, Alzheimer’s disease, and breast cancer, among many others. 

There are a number of everyday items that contain these toxins, such as baking powder, aluminum foil, and kitchen utensils, which can be found in most households. Toxins are everywhere. They’re in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. 

And while our bodies are designed to handle toxins, there is a limit to how much we can take. When we’re exposed to too many toxins, it can lead to health problems, such as kidney damage. 

The Good News

The good news is that there are steps we can take to reduce our exposure to toxins. For example, we can choose to eat organic foods, filter our water, and avoid using products that contain toxins. 

By making small changes in our daily lives, we can protect ourselves from the dangers of toxins.

How can we avoid baking soda, aluminum, and other toxins?

One of the best ways to avoid toxins is to read labels carefully before purchasing any food or household products. Many common items, such as baking soda, aluminum foil, and cooking spray, contain toxins that can be harmful if used excessively. When possible, opt for toxin-free alternatives or use these products in moderation.

Another way to reduce your exposure to toxins is to limit your consumption of fish that may contain mercury or lead. Pregnant women and young children should be especially cautious about consuming these types of fish. 

Finally, be sure to avoid paint and plumbing materials that may contain lead or other harmful toxins.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce your exposure to toxins and help protect your health.

Why Is It Important?

When it comes to our health, we often think of things like eating right and exercising. While these are certainly important aspects of maintaining our health, there is another equally important factor that is often overlooked: avoiding toxins. Toxins can come in many forms, from the food we eat to the products we use. And while we may not realize it, these toxins can have a serious impact on our health. 

That’s why it’s so important to be vigilant about reading labels and avoiding toxins whenever possible. By taking this simple step, we can help protect our health and prevent potential health problems down the road. 

If you’re looking to become a more healthier, vibrant version of yourself, check out my Heal your Gut, Heal your Body program.To learn more about toxins and how to avoid them, please  join my free Facebook Group  Thrivewell where there will be extra tips and support to guide you along your journey or you can find me on Instagram