
How Sleep Affects Hormone Levels


Sleep and hormones are intimately connected. Hormones regulate sleep and sleep deprivation can lead to hormone imbalances. In this blog post, we’ll explore the relationship between sleep and hormones, how sleep affects hormone levels, and what you can do to get the best sleep possible.

How sleep deprivation can lead to hormone imbalances

Sleep deprivation can lead to hormone imbalance and affect your daily routine. 

  • How are you SLEEPING?  
  • Are you giving your body time to heal?  
  • Do you have the energy to function? To make decisions? To show up for your family?
  • Have you forgotten what NORMAL feels like?
  • Do you need more sleep?

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, then you aren’t focused and able to perform at your best.  Sleep is the secret sauce to productivity.

To balance sleep, you need to look at lifestyle, hormones, and food reactions. Have you explored your food sensitivities? Reach out today.

Sleep can make or break your ability to lose weight, age slowly, prevent cancer, and perform at the highest level.

When you sleep at the right time your hormones will thank you.  Your hormones actually have optimal times to enhance production and absorption.  They are not stored in the cells, so if you miss that window of opportunity then it’s gone.  Sleep regulates hormones.

PRIME TIME hours:  Key hormones are release in the prime-time hours between 10pm and 2pm

This circadian rhythm of light and dark is the body’s repair mechanism.

When stress is high, then you also want to try and increase sleep.

Sleep Medications are at an all time high!

Sleep medication are at an all-time high and on average those medications only add 30-40 minutes of sleep and it’s not high-quality sleep.  It’s a mental thing.  You think that by taking them, you will feel better.

Let’s further explore the root cause and connection between sleep and hormones.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. When you are sleep deprived, your body releases more cortisol. This can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Adrenaline is another hormone that is released during times of stress. When you are sleep deprived, your body releases more adrenaline. This can lead to anxiety, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

Sleep deprivation can cause hormone imbalances by disrupting the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. This can lead to a host of problems including weight gain, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

In addition, sleep deprivation can also lead to a decline in the production of reproductive hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. This can cause problems such as infertility and increased risk for certain cancers.

So how can you get the best sleep possible? Here are some tips:

It is important to maintain a healthy sleep schedule in order to avoid the negative effects of sleep deprivation. Some tips for maintaining a healthy sleep schedule include:

1. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This will help your body get into a routine and make it easier to fall asleep.

2. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed. Caffeine can keep you awake, and alcohol can interfere with your blood sugar causing night sweats and disturbing your sleep cycle.

3. Exercising regularly. Exercise helps you sleep better and can be a good way to relieve stress.

4. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a hot bath, reading, or listening to calming music.

5. Avoiding screens before bedtime. The blue light from screens can interfere with your sleep cycle.

Create a sanctuary for sleep!

Your bedroom needs to be a sanctuary – You spend 30% of your life in your bedroom. Here are some tips to create your sanctuary.

  • Set the temperature in your bedroom to 60-68 degrees.
  • Decrease the humidity level to 30-50%.  This is also best for your skin.
  • Ideally you want to sleep naked – it’s best for immunity and your sex life.
  • You want natural fabrics, no polyester. Cotton and silk are both good options.
  • Pillow: A silk pillowcase is great. To decrease neck wrinkles it’s actually recommended to ditch your pillow.
  • You want to eliminate all screens from your bedroom.
  • Air quality: Open your windows throughout the day.  Fresh air and oxygen is important. I recommend you add live plants to get your best air quality. English ivy and snake plants are great ideas.

It is also important to get enough sleep each night. Most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night. If you are having trouble sleeping, try some of the tips above and talk to your doctor about possible sleep disorders you may have.

Why It Matters….

Sleep and hormones are intimately connected – when you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol which can lead to a host of problems. In addition, sleep deprivation can also lead to a decline in the production of reproductive hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. This can cause problems such as infertility and increased risk for certain cancers. 

So how can you get the best sleep possible? Here are some tips: 1. Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible 2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed 3. Get plenty of exercise during the day 4. Avoid using electronics screens (phones, laptops, TVs) in the hours leading up.

If you’re looking to become a more healthier, vibrant version of yourself, check out my Heal your Gut, Heal your Body program. Contact me to get your hormones checked today.

For more support please join my free Facebook Group  Thrivewell where there will be extra tips and support to guide you along your journey or you can find me on Instagram