
Getting to the Root Cause of your Gut Issues

Most of us don’t give much thought to our gastrointestinal (GI) health. But the fact is, GI health is extremely important for our overall wellness. That’s why it’s so important to get to the root cause of any GI issues and to see amazing results. The GI tract is responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating wastes. When GI health is impaired, it can lead to a whole host of problems, including indigestion, nutrient deficiencies, and even weight gain. 

By getting to the root cause of GI issues, we can improve our overall health and well-being. Amazing results await!

Below I provide some education and some steps you can take today toward rebalancing your body and your health.

1) The Power of Clarity: Discover the root cause of GI issues

When it comes to our GI health, getting to the root cause of any issues is vital. By understanding what’s causing our GI problems, we can take steps to correct them and improve our overall health. There are many potential causes of GI issues, including:

– Diet

– Stress

– Hormones

– Infections

– Immune system problems

– Medications

– Genetics

GI issues can be caused by a variety of things, from diet and stress to hormones and infections. In some cases, GI issues may be the result of problems with the immune system or certain medications. Genetics can also play a role in GI health. While the specific cause of GI issues can vary from person to person, there are some commonalities that can help to improve GI health. For example, eating a healthy diet, reducing stress levels, and avoiding triggers like spicy foods or caffeine can all help to ease GI symptoms. 

In addition, staying hydrated and getting regular exercise can also be beneficial for GI health. By getting clarity it will allow you to take steps to improve your own GI health. Visit my food intolerance test to identify the exact foods that cause inflammation in your body.

2) The Importance of GI Health: Why we need to pay attention to our gut

Your gut is responsible for a lot more than you might realize. In addition to digesting food and absorbing nutrients, your gut also plays an important role in your immune system. That’s why it’s so important to keep your gut healthy and functioning properly. If your gut isn’t healthy, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including gastrointestinal issues, food sensitivities, skin problems, allergies, and mood disorders. 

Autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, can be caused by GI problems. When our gut isn’t healthy, it can lead to an autoimmune reaction in which the immune system attacks the body’s own cells. This can lead to a variety of serious health problems.

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to keep your gut healthy, including eating probiotic-rich foods, avoiding processed foods, eliminating food triggers and inflammatory reactions, and reducing stress. By taking care of your gut, you’ll be doing your overall health a favor.

3) Amazing Results: What good GI health can do for our overall well being

Once we get to the root cause of our GI issues and correct them, we can experience amazing results. Good GI health can do wonders for our overall well being, including:

– improving our digestion

– increasing our energy levels

– reducing stress levels

– improving our moods

– strengthening our immune system

– helping us lose weight or maintain a healthy weight

– preventing diseases, such as cancer and heart disease

GI health is extremely important for our overall wellness and it is vital that we get to the root cause of any GI issues in order to see amazing results. Paying attention to our GI health can lead to better overall health and wellbeing.

My clients reach fast success in my program. First off, I’m not a patient person, and I’m also a project manager, so I’m going to treat your body like the biggest, most important project we’ve ever undertaken. Efficiency is also important to me. Many say I am results-oriented. It is my belief that healing and wellness are possible.

Here’s what my clients are saying:

“ I’m living my best life and feel absolutely wonderful. Thank you a million times over for helping me in my health and wellness journey. I have so much energy and I’ve lost 30 pounds and earned a whole new wardrobe in the process. Down to a size 6 from a size 10. It’s almost like fat is melting away.”

Jennifer P.

“I have been to different doctors and tried countless programs, but I have never gotten better, easier, or more permanent changes with my body than I have after working with Jennifer. She DOES NOT quit until you get the results you are looking for. Today, my hormones are balanced, my clothes fit better, I have ZERO mood swings, and have more energy than I ever thought possible. Jennifer and her customized program have been the answer to my prayers. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for me and my family.”

Meredith F.

Are you looking for Balance?

It’s time to bring balance into our lives and make all the hard work sustainable!

– Lifestyle changes – clean up the diet to restore balance

– Get adequate sleep to heal – turn off TV, computers, cell phones etc. to get rid of the white lights that interfere with sleep. Read instead to tire your eyes. Your body needs to rest to heal.

-Mindful eating – slow down, chew your food, don’t eat in front of the TV or Computer.

If you can stop the inflammation down at the core of your G.I. system, the barrier, you have the ability to fix all chronic inflammatory diseases.

You can stop them dead in their tracks! These are all related to the core concept of how inflammation triggers: cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases and pulmonary diseases, all of these diseases have a root in inflammation and a root in your gut.

Let’s look at a popular concept that makes a lot of sense to my patients. Hopefully, it will make sense for you too. Let’s suppose you were given this beautiful Lamborghini. Wouldn’t you want to take good care of it? Keep it well tuned with the proper fuel?

I bet you would make sure it got the exact fuel it needed so it could perform at its best. You likely wouldn’t go to the gas station and fill it with cheap gas.

You probably wouldn’t fill it with any old fuel like water either. Putting water down the fuel tank would be very harmful. It’s the same analogy for food and certain liquids.

Common foods, like wheat or dairy can be the wrong fuel for your body. Just because they are healthy in general, if they get tagged by the immune system, they become a toxin, adding to inflammation and burdening your system.

Let’s look at that a little further. You probably know someone, or even yourself, who has felt better when removing a certain food from the diet.

Wheat and dairy are common ones that cause problems. When we remove those allergenic foods, we might notice a huge improvement in how we feel. Not just in our digestive system, but maybe a reduction in brain fog, or headaches, or maybe your skin looks a lot better, you’re breathing better, or you have less gas and bloating.

So, we recognize that by taking the foods that cause problems or triggers out of our diet, it can make a huge difference in how we feel. 

If you’re looking to become a more healthier, vibrant version of yourself, check out my Heal your Gut, Heal your Body program. For more support please join my free Facebook Group  Thrivewell where there will be extra tips and support to guide you along your journey or you can find me on Instagram