Detox Naturally After Summer-Feel Fresh,

Detox Naturally After Summer-Feel Fresh, Feel Good

Greetings! As summer ends, it’s time to give your body a fresh start. After months of outdoor activities, indulgent foods, and perhaps less exercise, detoxifying is essential. It helps eliminate toxins, boosts energy levels, and prepares you for the new season. In this blog, we will explore why detoxing after a long summer is important and share natural ways to rejuvenate. Learn how to Detox Naturally After Summer and embrace a healthier you for the season ahead.

Why Detox After Summer?

  1. Swimming Pools and Chlorine
  2. Indulgence – Summer can be an overindulging season. 
  3. Toxins (aka. Sunscreen) 

People are more exposed to chemicals, engage in unhealthy eating habits, and change their living habits. From this, toxins can accumulate in your body, making you sluggish and often very tired. Nonetheless, there are natural ways that one can follow to remove such toxins and thereby gain more energy, better digestion, improved health, and general well-being.

Simple Detox Practices

Here are some of my favorite simple practices to naturally detox after summer

Detox from swimming pool chlorine

Swimming in a chlorinated pool (or salt water pool that breaks down into sodium chloride) is more popular in the summer. Therefore, the need to detox the exposure is high. ⁠Studies have shown an increase in cancer rate when exposed to chlorine. It has a strong oxidation effect on everything it touches. Oxidation is NOT good, which is why physicians encourage the consumption of high antioxidant foods and supplements. 

Follow these tips to protect yourself from chlorine dangers

1- Pool: Rinse off before and after

2-Before swimming

             i. Iodine – 1 to 2 drops on the forearm or in water the day of your swim.

            ii. Vitamin C support – Vitamin C helps neutralizes chlorine and helps your skin repair 

            iii.Vitamin D support – Vitamin D helps minimize chlorine effects.

            iv. Taurine – 1 capsule the day you plan to swim. 

             v. Shower full body and hair prior to entering the pool.

⁠3-After swimming⁠

            i. Lemon Essential oil for a quick detox!⁠

            ii.⁠ Alpha lipoic acid – an amazing antioxidant that protects the liver.⁠

           iii. ⁠Probiotics – chlorine kills bacteria, even the good essential bacteria in our gut.⁠

           iv.⁠ Full Fat Foods – Good, healthy fats protect our cells from toxins and support brain health.⁠

SUPPLEMENT YOUR BODY! Click here to buy the above recommended support.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Taking a lot of water to eliminate toxins and keep the body well-hydrated is important. This should be done to have a minimum of eight glasses daily to help the body eliminate toxins. You can use more elaborate forms of water by putting some fresh fruits, herbs, or cucumbers in the water. 

Eat a clean diet

Focus on whole, unprocessed foods rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of unhealthy fats. Detoxification is impossible if the gut microbiome is not healthy. Cleaning the diet means getting all the nutrients the body needs for a good population of bacteria in the gut. 

Limit processed foods and sugary drinks

These can contribute to toxin buildup and inflammation. While sugary drinks may seem hydrating, they can contribute to dehydration due to their high sugar content. Limiting your sugary drink intake and opting for healthier alternatives like water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

Increase fiber intake

Similarly, fiber is useful in promoting digestion and eliminating waste to improve bowel movement. Include constituent foods in your diet plans, including whole grain products, legumes, and fruit, as they help with digestion and ease constipation. A healthy gut is very important for detoxification to be effective. Fiber aids in feeding and maintaining friendly bacteria in your stomach, which has important tasks such as digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste products. 

Get enough sleep

Sleeping is very important in the natural cleansing of your physique from the toxins it has acquired all day. Men and women should sleep for 7-9 hours every night so that the body and its organs have adequate periods of rest to eliminate toxins.

Manage stress

Understand the importance of using products and services that help relieve stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and tai chi. Engage in activities that may heal you from stress since stress harms your health. Stress becomes chronic, increasing cortisol levels and affecting the body’s detoxification capacity. By managing stress well, you can minimize the cortisol level and enhance the process of eliminating toxins in the body.

Schedule a personalized session with ThriveWell

At ThriveWell, we believe that everyone deserves to feel their best. Our personalized food profiling service can help you identify potential food sensitivities and optimize your diet for optimal health. We’ll work with you to create a customized plan that supports your body’s natural detoxification process.

Ready to reset and feel your best? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our personalized food profiling services.


A natural means of washing out toxins introduced into the body system over the course of the summer are a very effective method of physically cleansing the body and mind. The more often you apply the functions described in this blog it will help you detox naturally after summer. It is important to understand that a healthy lifestyle is for the most part a process and not a goal. Make slow changes to improve your current healthy standards and be ready to embrace the new detoxed fresh form.