Root Cause Weight Loss

You’ve tried everything but you still can’t seem to lose weight. Have you ever really addressed the root of the problem?

It's NOT your fault!

The cause of weight loss resistance is cellular inflammation which is caused by toxins (harmful chemicals and heavy metals) in the body. When cells are inflamed, your hormones cannot bind to the receptors on the cell and fat stays in the body, no matter what you try.

Are you ready for a long term solution to weight loss?

Good News!

In my Root Cause Weight Loss program, we remove toxins and inflammation so weight loss is achievable and sustainable!

Abigail T testimonial

When you remove the toxins, reduce inflammation and reset your metabolism, you help heal the cell and your body gets well!

This Program Includes:

  • 3 Months of Coaching by a Functional Nutritionist

  • All the Products

  • A Food Guide

  • Recipes

  • A Phone App

  • Daily Emails

  • Weekly Coaching with Live Q&A

Jennifer P testimonial

Become one of the 30,000+ individuals that has successfully used this program to lose 1,300,000+ lbs! 

You eat real food…

🙅you don’t count calories or points

🙅there are no diet pills

🙅no meal replacement shakes

🙅no starving, and 

🙅no exercise is required to be successful

Clients that follow this program lose an average of

1/2 to 1 lb. per day.

The program also focuses on cellular cleansing therapy and heavy metal detoxification which is proven to help the following conditions/symptoms:
❤️ Heart Disease
❤️ High Cholesterol
❤️ Diabetes
❤️ High Blood Pressure
❤️ Obesity
❤️ Low Energy
❤️ Sleep Apnea
Clinically, this proprietary treatment has improved overall patient recovery, BMI, and has allowed participants to regain their previous mobility and freedom.

Just $1,800 for products, 3 months of coaching and all the guidance to look and feel your best

What are you waiting for?

Program Details:
  • 3 Month Program – I’m only accepting 10 people into this program right now. 
  • Six Natural and Healthy Supplements to include cellular, heavy metal detoxification, B12, D3 and more. Supports healthy weight loss, energy, fat burn, and metabolism.
  • Includes your own personalized phone app: The app will guide you daily step by step and you can track your progress.
  • Daily Emails with meal suggestions.
  • Coaching Support from a Functional Nutrition Specialist.
  • Private Facebook group with weekly Q&A and Check-in Sessions.
  • Real Food and Full Body Reset!

This program is designed to naturally reset your metabolism. It reduces inflammation on a ‘cellular level’, removes toxins and balances hormones, allowing the body to metabolize fat and maintain a healthy physiology. That is why we get fast and sustainable results.


I am looking for 10 people who are ready for a total body weight loss reset. Let’s Do This!

Join my Root Cause Weight Loss Program TODAY!

Just $1,800

Only shipping in the US at this time


*Results may vary depending on starting weight, adherence to the program, health conditions and other factors.
Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.